Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Year Has Begun!

Sunday night, PACK kicked off the year of high school youth ministry with a bang with Respectable Me!  With a scavenger hunt built around the virtues, seven new members joined our faithful PACKers for a rousing night of fun and fellowship.  It all began with a prayer service calling upon the Holy Spirit to endow the youth and the world with the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love as well as the cardinal virtues of temperance, justice, prudence, and fortitude.  Then, the youth had a chance to bond together by filling out Venn Diagrams in groups of three in order to discover what makes them unique as well as what unites them together.

Then, the game was afoot as the group moved outside in three teams and raced across the basketball court to pick up clues to a scavenger hunt.  Some of the clues contained trivia questions about Catholicism and the yellow, cartoon minions who inspired our theme.  Others had QR codes which either lead to stickers hidden throughout the property or challenged the youth to find certain items and take pictures of certain things or certain people.  The competition was fierce, and the winning group earned over 160 points and won a giant jar of candy!  Door prizes were also given out, including glow sticks, minions stickers, stick-on mustaches, a Rosary bracelet, and a Life picture book on Pope Saint John Paul II!

But, it's only the beginning!  This Sunday, we will gather again at 5 PM for Saying No, a night on peer pressure, which comes in both positive and negative varieties.  The youth have decided to focus on advocacy this year, so we are focusing on applying the faith in real-world situations faced by modern teenagers.

There will be no meeting Labor Day weekend, but we will be participating in the Labor Day Fair in the front parking lot of the church on Saturday, September 5 from 9-2:30 PM.  Details to follow soon!

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